Welcome, Chess Players of India!

Welcome to a new chapter in the History of Indian Chess! The Chess Players Forum has been founded to give a voice to the chess players of India for their own welfare and rights, as well as duties. We are be a democratic and transparent organisation to empower chess players to play a part in their own destinies and in the growth of the game. The Forum aims to present the chess players’ voice to the governing bodies of the game as well as to the Government of India, and to liaise with them on various issues involving chess players.
News and Announcements
IM Neeraj Kumar Mishra is the new Secretary of Chess Players Forum!
IM Neeraj Kumar Mishra, the new Secretary of the CPF! IM Neeraj Kumar Mishra is the new Secretary of the Chess Players Forum, while IM Varugeese Koshy and WGM Swati Ghate will continue to be the President and Treasurer respectively. IM Varugeese Koshy continues to be the President WGM Swati Ghate continues to be theDetails -
Press Release – CPF Appeal to Sports Ministry on Sports Code 2011
November 04, 2020 CPF.Press.2020 Press Release: Chess Players Forum’s Appeal to Sports Ministry - Adherence to National Sports Development Code 2011 by the All India Chess Federation The Chess Players Forum (CPF) has appealed to the Honourable Minister, Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports (MYAS), Government of India (GOI) on the All India Chess FederationDetails -
Appeal to Sports Ministry – Sports Code 2011
03 November 2020 CPF.MYAS.2020 To: Shri Kiren Rijiju,Honourable Minister of Youth Affairs and Sports,New Delhi. All India Chess Federation - Adherence to National Sports Development Code 2011 Respected Sir, We are appreciative of the Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports' (MYAS) efforts to involve sportspersons in the administration of their respective sports, thus underlying theDetails
Why the Chess Players Forum?!
Because, we the founding members of the Forum want to give back to the community and country the game which has given us a life. Because the Indian Chess Player deserves a voice. Because, with unity we can achieve many things which are only distant dreams right now. From how the game of Chess isDetails -
Good time to launch!?
The entire world is in turmoil right now, reeling under the onslaught of Coronavirus, the COVID-19. Was this a good time to announce the birth of our organisation? Well, we certainly couldn't time it any otherwise. The registration of the Chess Players Forum took us months, and getting it compliant with the Income Tax regulationsDetails -
The importance of Independence!
Indian Chess is reaching very new heights. At this time, it is importance that the most important constituents of this happening - the chess players - find themselves without a singular voice to speak for themselves. We wanted to give that platform to the Chess Players of India! In the past too, there have beenDetails