Become a Member!
Join us and make yourselves strong! Join your hands with all chess players of this country, making us a united positive force. Chess players with the title of Grandmaster, Women Grandmaster, International Master and Women International Master, or any player who has represented India as an official entry in Open / Women section at anyDetails -
We shall be democratic!
From the outset, we are VERY firmly committed to our ideology that we shall be a democracy, not controlled by vested interest of any individual, group or organisation. The Chess Players Forum shall be a democratically elected transparent body, with a Managing Committee and Office-bearers being our elected representatives for a tenure of 3 years.Details -
What can we offer to Indian Chess?
We offer to the Indian Chess fraternity a positive voice which will unite chess players. A voice which will represent Chess and Chess Players only. A voice which will empower Indian chess players to be a united force and work for the rights and duties of chess players. In the long run, we aim toDetails